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地皮 21309 平方米 - Bairro da Sapec, 塞图巴尔, Setúbal, Distrito de Setúbal

CN¥ 5,982,700
21,309 m²



The SAPEC BAY Industrial Park is located on the Setubal Peninsula, in Herdade das Praias.

The plot of land is located in an industrial area near the Setubal Thermoelectric Power Station, characterized by the presence of warehouses and industry, namely Sapec's facilities in the immediate vicinity, as well as some large industrial activities, such as Alstom, Portucel, Setenave, Port of Setubal and a more diverse diversified surroundings, with residential areas on the Sado, Manteigadas Beaches and the Setubal Polytechnic.

The road network ensures close proximity to the local, regional and national traffic routes, and is also close to the railway.
Given the characteristics and implementation of industries, the area is a crossing point for light and heavy vehicles.

In terms of urban development, this is a stabilized industrial zone, with unoccupied plots of land near the buildings.
The location benefits from good road access, being about 5km from the EN10 and 8km from the A12.

Praias - Sado train station is about 3 km away. There is also a railway branch that serves the industrial park, as well as a port pier.
Surface parking is easy to enter lots through spaces intended for this purpose.
The site also has parking areas for heavy vehicles.

Lots in Commercialization:

LOT 2 - 37,859m2
LOT 3 - 27,613m2
LOT 4 - 74,367m2
LOT 5 - 68,440m2
LOT 9 - 21,309m2
LOT 10 - 19,934m2
LOT 11 - 66.184m2
LOT 14 - 34.320m2

Pricing information, please contact.
能源率: Exempt



21,309 m²
21,309 m²
Bairro da Sapec


里斯本 - Distrito de Lisboa


里斯本 - Distrito de Lisboa