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4 个搜索结果:

Gironde 省可出售的豪宅和公馆

  • 宫  Saint-Pey-de-Castets, Gironde
    JP¥ 210,025,000
    500 m² 4 5
    所提交 Jane VERNON | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
  • 宫  Saint-Philippe-du-Seignal, Gironde
    JP¥ 322,954,000
    620 m² 7 9
    所提交 Daniel ARNOLD | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
  • 宫  Saint-Émilion, Gironde
    JP¥ 256,877,000
    228 m² 3 5
    所提交 Valeria PLAISANCE | Maxwell-Baynes Bordeaux-Bassin - Christie’s International Real Estate
  • 宫  Coutras, Gironde
    JP¥ 118,745,000
    450 m² 2 4
    所提交 Jean-Christophe SERVANT | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate