Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
1 Gabiran - 33350 Mérignas
Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
1 Gabiran - 33350 Mérignas
€ 2,200,000570 m² 2 7
这座华丽的佛罗伦萨风格城堡在 13 世纪中世纪的基础上重建,周围环绕着一个空心坑,以其辉煌的历史和永恒的魅力吸引着您。城堡目前的结构可追溯至 1614...
所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate -
€ 1,007,000470 m² 4 11所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 1,325,000490 m² 1 6所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 1,260,000600 m² 1 5所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 805,600620 m² 3 9所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 657,200420 m² 10所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 1,060,000400 m² 1 5所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 598,900250 m² 1 4所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 2,450,0001,930 m² 16 24所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 1,285,000120 m² 1 3所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 1,484,0001,174 m² 6 16
这座华丽的城堡建于 19 世纪末,提供近 1200 平方米的起居空间,分布在四层,包括一个带现代化厨房和众多储藏空间的大型地下室。它提供不少于 16 间卧室、8...
所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate -
€ 1,290,000450 m² 5 8
这座迷人的、经过精心修复的 19 世纪城堡位于风景如画的佩里戈尔韦尔,探索其永恒的优雅。这家卓越的酒店由同一家族拥有 150 多年,提供宁静的度假胜地,周围环绕着连绵起伏的绿色山丘和树木繁茂的山谷,是那些在现代生活中寻求宁静避风港的人士的理想选择。城堡设有正式和非正式的休息室,每间都可直接通往露台。...
所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate -
€ 985,000119 m² 3所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate
€ 848,000427 m² 2 9
这座宏伟的 19 世纪酒店位于大香槟区的中心地带,靠近 Jarnac(8 分钟)和 Cognac(15 分钟)。它包括一个提供约 600 平方米起居空间的城堡、一个占地 170...
所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate -
€ 625,00061 m² 1 2所提交 Olivier DEMESSEMAKERS | Maxwell-Baynes Residential and Vineyards - Christie's International Real Estate