For sale is a 10 ha landplot, also denominated “Fazenda Nazare”, which was purchased by the current owners in 2010. It consists of 6 single plots, with one plot containing an older, derelict house. The land is next to the Monte Gordo Embassa/water unit and is situated next to a main road (the former municipal road to Camacari) on one side. The other side borders the village.
The land area is completely documented, with escritura publica and RGI (Registro Geral de Imoveis). Since it is an urban area, it is liable to the payment of the IPTU (Imposto Predial e Territorial Urbano – Urban Property Tax).
Google Coordinates: 12°37’54.62” S amd 38°05’32.31” W
There is a viability and appraisal study from 2010 available which can be sent on request.