The house has everything from the barro cocido artesanal y all the techos son de madera , the techo del salón has two waters and preserves the cerchas and the original tirantes and it is illuminated hacia arriba indirectamente. These calculations are carried out by radiant heat, so that the dependent regulations are independent of the temperature. The air is independent of its dependency, with its distance.~The rejas se volvieron hacer exactamente igual que las originales del S.~The parcel has a large rotunda with entry to the hormigón impreso imitando adoquines and has a parking zone for up to 4 or 5 cars.~To access it directly by autovia you need to enter the city of Córdoba, which is 12 km from the center, it takes between 10' and 15' to get to the center.~The rededores at 5' are located in the campus of the University of Córdoba and are close to the industrial college of the districts, as well as many restaurants, restaurants, shops, supermarkets, etc..~Y in the barriada de Alcolea que esta pocos metros hay farmacia, correos, instituto ,colegios,supermercados. The casa can serve as a living room for the restaurant, events and bodas etc.