From the charming village of Saint Florent to the port of Centuri, the western slopes of Cap Corse are rich in tumultuous history, extraordinary architectural and religious heritage and hidden treasures, as well as magnificent residences and castles... Built in a dominant position on the heights of the village of Canari, the Château de Cenci was totally destroyed by the Genoese in 1554 and rebuilt in 1792 for a local notable. An imposing 3-storey building of 500 SQM, an old chapel and a janitor's dwelling make up this exceptional site. Close to the seaside Marinas of Scala and Canelle, Pino or, further north, the emblematic village of Nonza, this “Maison de Maitre” represents a formidable renovation project and the ambition to give new life to this “cap corse’s “emblematic property on the Corsican cape.