Now among ancient books, now between idleness and rest, sweetly forget this busy life…
( SATIRE L. II S. 6, vv 61-62 )
These are the words of Horace that welcome us, carved on the pediment of this prestigious historic residence that for a long time belonged to the noble Briganti-Bellini family.
The Villa in the images is part of an even larger real estate compendium that Studio Immobiliare Riderelli is pleased to offer for sale exclusively.
The first documents attesting to the presence of this property as a holiday resort date back to 1766.
Conceived from the beginning as an oasis of rest from a busy and frenetic life, the Villa with neoclassical lines and perfect proportions is located on a centuries-old park of 1.5 hectares served by 3 driveways and enjoys a view of the Conero and all the surrounding countryside.
In addition to the splendid main residence, set on two levels and with a panoramic tower, we find two large buildings in style, built towards the end of the 19th century, originally intended for stables, storage and the gardener's residence, as well as other smaller buildings, cleverly scattered along the path.
The estate also includes approximately 10 hectares of agricultural land, of which 5 hectares are dedicated to the "Rosso Conero" vine in full production and excellently cared for.
At the entrance to the park of the Villa, but in an independent and private position, we find a medium-sized farmhouse, in classic Marche style, with related annexes and located on a large tree-lined courtyard of relevance.
The property is then completed by medium/large-sized agricultural sheds and a green area on the road front of Via Flaminia II.
The buildings require major works, although different for the various buildings and in any case to be carried out in compliance with the existing constraints.
The strategic location and the exclusive charm of the places mean that the property is suited for high-level residential/receptive use, as a venue for great image and/or for events of all kinds, being located a few minutes from the sea, the motorway toll booths and the airport. The property is registered with the Cultural Heritage, at the following address you can find further information
Intended exclusively for large investors, the Tenuta di Villa Barberini di San Sabino can only be visited by appointment and a short preliminary interview.
Negotiations are strictly confidential.