Antique and historic Abbey in the Florentine countryside Reference: 16058 The Antique Abbey lies in the green hill about 15 kilometers from Florence and Fiesole. It was built in the year 1000 and is formed as 5 bodies of construction. The church is cross shaped with a closed central nave and two lateral naves. It was designed by the architect Giovan Battista Foggini and the facade is adorned with the Medici family crest. The monastery is designed as a square and develops around a central cloister. The guest rooms area is also designed as a square with bathrooms which includes the house of the abbot. Included in the sale are: the antique furnace, the farmhouses, barns and 54 hectares of grounds. The Beneditine, Cisterciensi, Trappisti and Camaldolesei monks have all lived in the monastery during it's long history. More information and photos on our website: Agenzia Immobiliare Dallai Franco di Scarperia (FI) o We evaluate your property for sales or rent. For reasons of privacy the address' of our properties are approximate. Cell: 3392780392, Office: 0558431039, e-mail: Our hours are from: Monday to Thursday 1:00 p.m. To 6:30 p.m. Friday: from 9:00 a.m. To 1:00 p.m. Saturday from: 8:30 a.m. To 12:30 a.m