Big Dream Ranch is a private retreat mindfully designed to inspire health and vitality in harmony with a self-sustaining ecosystem. From sunlit decks for morning yoga to private hiking trails underneath the redwoods leading to mountainous views, every day there is something new to be discovered and enjoyed. Big Dream Ranch is a 300± acre sanctuary in the private ranch lands surrounding Lake Sonoma. The 2 residences, a creative studio, barn, and food and craft structures are located in the upper valley of the ranch between Warm Springs Creek and the peak of Centennial Mountain. The orchards and gardens are organically farmed using a holistic, ecological, and sustainable approach to food and nutrition. 15 raised garden beds individually monitored to optimize nutrition and water. The orchards and gardens are decorated with olives, lemons, limes, shishito peppers, Italian zucchini, heirloom tomatoes, pears, figs, and grapes to name a few. On the adjacent ridge line of Centennial Mountain is Aeris Vineyards, a viticulture site chosen for the altitude and coastal influence, which is said to parallel Italy's Piedmont Region. Big Dreams are made of these...