Peten Sell Hotel in Peninsula Zacpeten The property has a total of 127008 It is a Peninsula. It has access by water highway air (helicopter). The property has 1.5km of lakefront. It has a private park of 2485.85 The property has 1 km of private road. • It has 350 m2 of private beach It has 6 Bungalows 48 each. 1 pool of 204.8 2 offices. 2 kitchens. 1 Main house 240 1 maintenance facilities 396 1 restaurant 100 1 jetty 1 warehouse 180 1 laundry. 2 bathrooms for the pool. 1 maintenance warehouse for the pool 1 barbecue grill 1 food storage 24-hour energy Municipal Water Emergency water system Internet Tv Code: 3483390 Sale Price $ 2500000 USD Free of Taxes Ideal for Investors Call us at: Tigo: (502) 3136-7028 (502) 3380-5483 (502) 5208-8038 Claro: (502) 5912-6109 (502) 2363-3866