Alquiler de Lote ubicado cerca de Plaza Cristal, Curridabat (AD)
Lote ubicado cerca de Plaza Cristal, a pocos metros de Plaza del Sol. Ideal para comercio o residencial.
2,103.37 m2 de terreno
Frente a calle 32 metros
Profindidad 107.98 metros
Topografía plana
Uso suelo comercial y residencial
Precio de alquiler $2,500 Negociables
RENT of Lot located near Plaza Cristal, Curridabat (AD)
Rent of Lot located near Plaza Cristal, a few meters from Plaza del Sol. Ideal for commercial or residential.
• 2,103.37 m2 of land
• Front Facing street 32 ??meters
• Depth 107.98 meters
• Flat topography
• Use of commercial and residential land
• Rental price $ 2,500 Negotiable