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CompriCasa Agency


Piazza Cittadella, 15 - 37122 Verona


The real estate agency CompriCasa is present on the real estate market since 2003 with a winning formula, reality leader for innovation, reliability and transparency. The agency benefits from a consolidated methodology of work, the result of years of experience and a constant and continuous updating, in line with developments in the market, being able to have many high value-added services that allow you to meet all customer needs . We also have an area intranet and computer software to verify and identify potential customers, taking advantage of a rich and supplied database. The agency provides a priori information and advice on how to move a good buy or lease the best solution, never abandoning his clients, but following them step by step if there is a need, in order to establish with them, a bond of trust and mutual respect, very similar to the relationship between an engineer and his client, without neglecting the human side of every single person.
Assessment of the Property: The agent is able to make an assessment of the property, based not only on knowledge building, also on the knowledge of the territory, supply and demand and market trends.
Brokerage Creditizia: Through established partners and present for years on the market you are offered a credit counseling in order to get profitable and competitive mortgage and loans at subsidized rates. Our consultants are able to assist clients with professionalism and competence, managing the practice of mortgage in all its phases, with completion of all activities and administrative bureaucracy.
Insurance services: CompriCasa collaborates with solid insurance companies offering different solutions, customized and tailored to the customer.
Management Permutations: For the customer who wants to buy a property after selling his own, "CompriCasa" effectively manages the dual income.
Surveys and Certifications: CompriCasa running in a short time, cadastral real estate on natural and legal persons, acquiring useful information to protect the parties and thus promoting a successful outcome of the negotiation.
Registration Acts Location: Every lease is recorded at the agencies directly from the developers, relieving the client from all the red tape.
Assistance in the Office of Notary Deed: The agency is responsible to submit the necessary documentation to the completion of the deed, personally attending and assisting the client in this delicate phase of the transaction.
Other facilities: CompriCasa also provides various additional services through qualified partners such as Surveyors, Architects, Brokers credit, and other valuable collaborators providers do work as Masons, Carpenters, Tiling works in drywall, landscaping & much more.
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