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Agenzia Immobilelba srl Agency

Agenzia Immobilelba srl

Via G. Caccio, 5 - 57037 Portoferraio


In the real estate we perform real estate valuations, buying and selling land, houses, apartments, villas, shops, hotels, residences commercial funds, providing a complete service from the visit to the property, to the proposed acquisition until the notarial deed and the banking advice.
We also guarantee confidentiality and reliability are essential to the success of a good deal.
2 listings
  • Villa in Marciana, Provincia di Livorno
    Price on Application
    534 m² 7
    Presented by Agenzia Immobilelba srl
  • Villa in Marciana, Provincia di Livorno
    Price on Application
    184 m² 2 2
    Presented by Agenzia Immobilelba srl