Realtyplus Paraguay
€ 51,583,200Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay
€ 14,751,200Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay
€ 55,449,200
Property located in the Paraguayan Chaco, Boqueron Department, Teniente Pico Zone, has 48,572 hectares, is suitable for agriculture and livestock, has a developed area of 18,631...
Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay -
€ 13,829,300
Property located in the Paraguayan Chaco, Boqueron Department, Aguada Lidia Zone, has 10,000 hectares, is suitable for agriculture and livestock, has a developed area of 5,800...
Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay -
€ 4,188,600Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay
€ 36,509,300
Property located in the Paraguayan Chaco, Boqueron Department, Teniente Pico Zone, has 33,000 hectares, is suitable for agriculture and livestock, has a developed area of 14,000...
Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay -
€ 9,795,700Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay
€ 38,560,700
Field of 48,500 hectares located in boqueron zona infante rivarola, suitable for agriculture and livestock. has 9,800 hectares developed
Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay -
€ 11,063,400
20,000 hectares field located in boqueron infante rivarola area, suitable for agriculture and livestock. it has no development
Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay -
€ 17,701,500Presented by Realtyplus Paraguay