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Immobilienforum Schwabing Agency

Immobilienforum Schwabing

Franz-Joseph-Straße, 40 - 80801 Munich

4 listings
  • Penthouse in Munich, Upper Bavaria
    € 2,820,000
    145 m² 2 3
    Presented by Immobilienforum Schwabing
  • Apartment in Munich, Upper Bavaria
    € 2,890,000
    164 m² 2 2
    Presented by Immobilienforum Schwabing
  • Apartment in Schwendau, Politischer Bezirk Schwaz
    € 890,000
    137 m² 2 3
    Presented by Immobilienforum Schwabing
  • Land in Starnberg, Upper Bavaria
    € 929,000
    607 m²
    Presented by Immobilienforum Schwabing