Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 34,467,300460 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 37,339,600460 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 37,339,600460 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 92,870,300365 m²
* Photos on offer provided by the property owner. Taking care of the quality of our services and the health of our clients, we take the highest precautionary and safety measures...
Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy -
TL 94,785,1004,158 m²
Plot for sale with a total area of 4158 m2. According to the local development plan, the plots are located in the area marked U2 (services). A building permit for the construction...
Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy -
TL 10,435,90065 m²
4-room apartment with A large balcony The Real Estate Agency is happy to present this unique apartment located in the heart of Krakow, on the picturesque Chełmońskiego Street....
Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy -
TL 13,404,000220 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 11,201,900168 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 11,201,900168 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 17,233,700126 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 27,765,3008,600 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 27,765,3008,600 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy
TL 11,393,40013,400 m²Presented by Jakub Obcowski | Bracia Sadurscy